Pesticide-free Mandarin Oranges

Pesticide-free Mandarin Oranges

Mandarins are smaller and sweeter than oranges, and contain more juice. They’re a very good source of vitamins C and A, a good source of dietary fibre, and are low in calories and fat. They are easier to peel and have less pith. So, they’re perfect for eating out of hand. They’re equally delicious peeled and tossed into salads, or simply juiced (drinking mandarin juice regularly has been found to reduce the risk of liver cancer in people suffering from chronic viral hepatitis). While you’re most likely to find classic candied mandarins served at Lunar New Year get-togethers, consider offering a twist on tradition yourself and make mandarin ice cream or sorbet. They’re also lovely in marmalades.

When buying mandarins, select fruit that are heavy for their size and avoid soft spots. As they don’t keep well, it’s best to store them in the refrigerator. Don’t wash them ahead of time as the moisture may encourage mould to develop.

Pesticide-free Taiwanese mandarins are available at SuperNature Forum.