Como Shambhala at Home

Como Shambhala at Home

Produced in small quantities to ensure consistency and quality, the Como Shambhala at Home collection incorporates only premium-grade pure essential oils and is free of Sodium Laurel Sulphate, parabens, silicones and synthetic substances including artificial colour and fragrance. All blends are crafted based on aromatherapy, which is the use of concentrated oils from plants, flowers and fruit. Each oil, either by smell or by absorption through the skin, contributes its own special property to the blend.

The range of scented bath salts, almond oil and shea butter soap bars, and massage oils are available in three blends:

Uplifting and mood enhancing with elevating eucalyptus and peppermint complemented by the softness of lavender and geranium, this is Como Shambhala's signature blend.

Made with soothing, healing camphor and enhanced by the warmth of basil and ginger, this blend is lifted with peppermint, lemon and eucalyptus.

This uplifting blend combines cleansing fennel and citrus oils, including revitalising lime, with the soothing effects of cypress and the restorative and refreshing qualities of sweet grapefruit.

The Como Shambhala at Home range is available at SuperNature Forum.